
Smart logistic solutions for you - With or without RFID

Is this recognizable to you or your company?

  • In logistics, people are always in a hurry, there is constantly time pressure and a lack of skilled workers.
  • Deliveries must be transported quickly, accurately, and safely by your company.
  • The financial margins are low, and you need to fulfil and improve a number of additional parameters to be competitive, such as:
  1. 24 hours delivery and production and every square meter must be used efficiently
  2. Internal costs must be reduced
  3. Provide all your employees of work garments and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) according to the safety standards
  4. 24/7 monitoring that your employees are actually wearing and using the correct garment and Personalized Protective Equipment (PPE)
  5. Hygiene protocols and standards must be followed

We can help you with a lot of these demands with our systems and system solutions.

We have over 30 years of experience in your industry. By deploying smart, simple and flexible solutions, hundreds of thousands of people are provided with the right garment, the right Personalized Protective Equipment (PPE) within budgets including a complete management overview of your employees and their additional costs.

Because all our systems are flexible and easy to use for your employees, the level of user acceptance is high, and it is perceived as very user friendly. Our garment- and article handling solutions are available with or without RFID technology.

Cost- and space saving digitalized system solutions

The logistic sector is currently still using, purchasing, and storing a lot of personal garments. This requires a lot of space (m²) for storing, lockers, garments and PPE. 

With our smart digitalized system solutions, by providing a garment logistic management solution, the transition from personal garment can easily be made to “size-based garments”. Pool-garments will be made ” personalized” by registering and linking UHF/RFID to your users.

This will lead to significant cost savings by reducing the number of articles in circulation.

In addition, there is also a considerable space saving because the garments are not stored in personal lockers but can be registered and safely picked up at a central point, which is controlled available for 24 hours a day.

By using the available management information in our Q-Web®, the tracking of the location of the garment will also be monitored and the number of lost garments will be reduced significantly.

Tracking and turnover of the garments also provides insight into how hygiene and safety conditions can be fulfilled. This demand is becoming increasingly important in your industry.

Your Benefits:

  • Cost reduction
  • Items are stored in a closed and secured room
  • Control and insight in the garments and PPE processes and use
  • 24/7 optimal use
  • User friendly
  • Space saving (m²)
  • Sustainability

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